No special measures are required for receiving video streams, as all connections are made using HTTPS (HTTP1/2). However, if access is to be granted in very restrictive networks - such as in a DMZ - the following releases must be made.

Requirements Video-player (Web-SDK)


  • IE 11+
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge
  • Opera
  • Vivaldi


  • IE 11+ (Mind. Windows 10)
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge
  • Opera
  • Vivaldi

To receive video-streams, please enable the following domains. If possible configure the shares to the domain (.*) and not directly to the IP networks, as these can change at any time.

Upload content (file-based and live)

The following hosts and ports must be enabled for uploading video content.


  • Ports: TCP 1935, 80, 443
  • Hosts: (.*)



  • Ports: TCP 1935, 80
  • Hosts: (.*)-origin-live-(.*)


  • Ports: Individual port is defined per live stream
  • Hosts: (.*)-origin-live-(.*)